Even though she was provided with a huge burst of creative energy and renewed enthusiasm for her craft through her role on Saints & Sinners, Nthati Moshesh has revealed that her career came to a standstill shortly after shooting for the drama series.

Speaking to True Love, the seasoned actress revealed that not only was 2015 a financially-challenging year for her, but that's when she also lost her sister-in-law, who was also her best friend, in a car accident.

"I was humbled. Not only was I not getting gigs, but my sister-in-law, Gugu - who was also my best friend - passed away. She was in a car accident two days after we'd celebrated her 50th birthday and 25 years of being married to my brother," she told the publication.

"Not having a monthly salary like I did on e.tv's Scandal! forced me to depend on the money I made from the little gigs I had from the previous years," she added.

Moreover, she said that she's grateful for her family, who saw her through the dry season when she had not been working for eight months and offers were scarce.

"Fortunately, my sister helped me financially when she noticed I wasn't working. My family understands the fickleness of my career. I'm grateful I have them to support me. I didn't have to approach anyone else where my situation could have been misconstrued and eventually make it to the tabloids."

After losing her mom in 2009, and her dad five years later, Nthati explains that she feels as though God is trying to tell her something.

"I feel as if He was saying that I needed to look back at Him for reassurance and not my own doing or understanding. I needed to realise that He's my source of strength, and, most importantly, that nothing is guaranteed in life."

Having gone through this unpleasant and prolonged experience, the former Scandal! star revealed that she has learnt not to rely on just being an actress, but to also explore other streams of income.

"Sadly, just being an actress doesn't pay the bills. I've learnt my lesson, and I'm toying with idea of getting into production or even something far removed from entertainment, like owning an antique shop or investing in property," she said.

Source: Times Live

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