You all go back to the bush - or better still back North Africa and leave the western way to the whites who created it

More racism posts from the white community are continuing to annoy most of the blacks in our mother nation SA. The first was from Penny Sparrows who refered to blacks in SA as monkey,  then Chris Hart also posted a racism post that triggered standard bank to suspend his work at the office. The Later, is from Carron Nadauld Gouws, In her post she said:

The truth is that without the whites landing in SA and making it civilized all you blacks would still be living in the bush in your mud huts, with cow dung floors wearing skins and hunting for food. So you all go back to the bush - or better still back North Africa and leave the western way to the whites who created it.....No black person even thought of making anything better in SA and yet you say it's are just users and abusers-simple fact! Takers give nothing but trouble, chaos and mess everywhere you go!

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