Mr Tembe denies his son for many years and even went through two DNA tests before he surrendered and eventually believed that Zweli, is indeed his son.

Zweli Ngobese who has since become Zweli Tembe has finally managed to convince his biological father that he is his son.

After years of being told that his father was Mr Tembe, Zweli's urge to find the real truth about where he comes from became even stronger after his aunt from his maternal side confirmed that he was not of the Ngobese clan.

Before Utatakho, Zweli had already done a DNA test that confirmed Mr Tembe was his dad, but Tembe denied the first DNA test results and accused Zweli for bribing the officials to swing the results to Zweli's favour.

This then led to Zweli calling in Utatakho to intervene.

As the story of how Mr Tembe and Zweli's mother met progressed, we, later on, learned from Zweli's maternal aunt, that Mr Tembe actually impregnated Zweli's mom's sister as well. 

(Don't be confused, the aunt who revealed this is not the sister who also has a child with Mr Tembe. It was another sister.)

Mr Tembe had impregnated the elder sister before impregnating Zweli's mom. Shocker!

So technically, Zweli has a cousin who is in actual fact his sister.

The second results of the DNA tests obviously revealed that Mr Tembe is indeed Zweli's father, no surprise there as the first DNA tests had confirmed so in the first place. So Mr Tembe really just wasted everyone's time.

What we found a bit strange is that when Mr Tembe was apologizing for his denials he only apologized to his friends, out of all the people he could've apologized to why did he only apologise to his friends specifically. 

- Zalebs

Hello Mzansi is a South African online blog covering Entertainment news, Celebrity Gossip, Sports, Odd news, politics, business and all the Latest South African News


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