While many experts consider alcohol to be an aphrodisiac (when consumed in moderation), certain properties found in beer make it especially beneficial in the bedroom.
1. It makes you last longer. The
phytoestrogens in beer can help delay premature ejaculation. As women often
take longer to arrive at the party, this isn't just great news for men, who
often show up early. Sierra Nevada is both delicious and a good source of
on-tap phytoestrogens.
2. Dark brews can help get you in the mood.
You know about mood lighting— now discover the glorious benefits of mood beer.
Apparently, darker beers contain more iron than pale ones, increasing both red
blood cells and overall circulation. These are two vital building blocks to
easier and more frequent erections.
3. Beer increases stamina. Research at at
Italy’s Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura showed that men who downed a pint a day
were 31 percent less likely to suffer from heart issues, giving credence to the
belief that beer is good for heart health. Combined with exercise, it could be
your ticket to better cardio endurance.
4. Guinness is great for stomach issues. Don't
judge a beer by its cover. Guinness is surprisingly low in calories and alcohol
content, but that's not the only reason to indulge in the dark Irish stout. Dr.
Kirk says that Guinness is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B
and probiotics. “This means it can help fortify your overall health and be
better on your stomach so you won’t feel sluggish during sex," she says.
5. There's even a beer specifically engineered
to enhance performance. 50 Shades of Green is basically like green juice and
Viagra combined. It "uses ginseng, ginkgo biloba and damiana to achieve
increased sexual desire, blood flow and nerve stimulation,” Dr. Kat says.
So there you have it— print it out, show it to
your girl, and never again have to blame your colleagues for making you linger
one extra round at happy hour.
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