SOUTH AFRICANS drink more alcohol than any other nation in Africa.And according to research done by Pharma Dynamics, a South African pharmaceutical company, it is also a fact that Mzansi men have far less s-e-x than men around the world!

While both men and women in the country love to drink, it appears they have forgotten they are also supposed to satisfy their partners in bed.
The truth is that s-e-x and alcohol are not always a good combination.
Researchers have found that too much alcohol affects both the brain and the p.-enis and often leads to men struggling to perform because of e. rectile dysfunction.
There are thousands of reasons for failing to perform, but it has been proved that three or more standard alcohol drinks a week have a bad effect on performance and s.exual satisfaction.
Pharma Dynamics, a generics pharmaceutical firm specialising in men’s s. exual health, said almost a third of the country’s men drink more than five glasses of alcohol a week.
The company’s survey also showed that South African men have s.ex about 52 times a year – about half of the global average!
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking too much is associated with relationship problems including fighting, cheating, money problems and divorce.
Nine out of 10 s. exual assaults involve alcohol.
The case of Lerato Mampatisa (30) and her husband Chippa (33) is a good example. When they first met, he used to take her out, they had a lot of fun and their s.ex life was more than perfect.
Then Chippa started drinking wine, saying it was good for his blood and to avoid a heart attack. Then he started having s.exual issues, such as premature e.jaculation, and as he drank more and more his s.exual drive diminished.
Lerato was a s.exually active young woman and started sleeping with Chippa’s best friend.
When she fell pregnant with her lover’s baby, Chippa later died of a heart attack.
Although doctors say some alcohol is good for you, it is also dangerous.
And when it leads to e.rectile dysfunction, it can have a range of physical and psychological causes. 
The pharmaceutical firm’s Tumi Motsei said: “Regularly drinking more than that causes toxins that build up in the body, affecting the organs, including those involved in s. ex.
“Men who are not dependent on alcohol have a good chance of being free of physical s. exual problems.”

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