THE saga between Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba’s wife Norma Gigaba and his alleged ex-mistress Buhle Mkhize is heating up yet again.
Mkhize claims Gigaba has a secret child and is lying about her age.
“She’s preaching to people and calling me names when she’s the one hiding her own blood and doing all these insane things up to changing her identification just so it can indicate her being the 34-year-old she claims to be?” a recent caption on Mkhize’s Instagram reads.
Gigaba has allegedly deactivated her Instagram account due to the claims that Mkhize will out her secret child to the public.
“Yesterday she ‘quit’ Instagram because I let her know I’ll continue to reveal the truth about the child she’s hiding and some other …” the caption continues.
Mkhize is not backing down and believes she is owed an apology for Gigaba’s social media interactions with her.
In October last year Gigaba called Mkhize a “prostitute” on Instagram and the two fought over Twitter.
“I hereby challenge Norma to get back on Instagram and tell the world that I’m lying or even better, sue me […] ” Mkhize said in the caption.
Department of Home Affairs spokesman Mayihlome Tshwete was unavailable for comment.
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